Christophe Bhoi


Christophe Bhoi and Cédric Lhuillier, Multicounty Modeling of Ecosystem-to-Manage-Ecological-Scale Biogeochemical Transition in an Amazonian Forest, Ecosystems, 11, 3, (933),.

S. A. Barraud and S. C. Dutton, Global change in forest biomass: analysis from MODIS and FACE-based time-series, Environmental Research Letters, 10, 9, (095003),.

K. A. Smith, J. P. Wiens and K. H. R. Stavris, Regional shifts in biomass of trees in a boreal forest: Effects of climate, forest cover and land use variations, Global Change Biology, 18, 5, (1177-1187),.

G. I. Czaja, Global and local biomass changes under climate change, Ecosystems, 10.1007/s10021-010-0539-3, 11, 1, (53-70),.

Richard R. Smith and Ian B. Wernberg, Climate change affects vegetation composition and land use in East Africa, Regional Environmental Change, 10, 10, (633),.

Martin G. T. Jones, John H. McCarty, David A. MacFarlane, Thomas R. Moore and Richard K. Stauffer, Changes in biomass and carbon stocks of lowland species of analák-cobá in a warming world, International Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119, 11, (3493-3503),.

Daniel J. Clements-Taylor, William H. Davenport, Jason C. Clements-Taylor, Thomas H. Hauswirth and Scott E. Bockelman, Ecosystem service contributions to global carbon inventory from land-use change, Science of The Total Environment, 467, (1405),.

James Z. Johnson, Andrew D. B. Leucht, James J. T. Pidgeon, Mark J. Whitehead and Matthew R. L. Viner, An assessment of climate change impacts on natural forests in the Australian Outback: a global analysis, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2, 4, (381-401),.

W. K. J. T

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